Saturday, June 21, 2008


This is the third day after my very last exam. I'm really speechless. I feel like I'm a zombie. Play at night, sleep at morning, wake up go buy cendol as lunch, after lunch play game watch drama crap in forum read football articles... Life without a proper target is really meaningless.

There is about 1 week to go before I start working at GSC. I think I should go back to hometown. But then xiaolaopo asking me to stay here and give me tons of reasons so that I won't go back. I'm in dilemma now. Those reasons are sincere or she just simply bullshitting? God knows.

I'm so boring. Really low low low low low low low low....

Oopps that's a date with xiaolaopo for mcD later, haha mcD again. mcD rocks, I love mcD.
Got to go =p

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