Sunday, June 22, 2008

Confuse, What to do, Dilemma lah

What do you think about long distance relationship? Do you think it can maintain easily and last long? Any real life example you saw before?

Distance is not only measure in km. Sometimes, even we are together, but our mind is separated. Less time? Lack of understanding? Different lifestyle? Different circle of life? Maybe, gap of age?

Please enlighten me =p


eeling said...

long distance relationship, it's what I'm having now. It's quite hard actually, will feel lonely every time. Although there's not much time for us, we will appreciate every time we passed together. If you really love each other, long distance really not a problem, tolerance is needed in long distance relationship. Don;t be confuse, everyone will have different experience of their own relationship, you too, good luck ya.. ^-^

Chin Feung said...

glad to see you here. wish you and your bf for endless happiness

Poohbear said...

lolz.. honey, last time when uni time, me n urban also long distance relationship.. now we still can be 2gather ^^

Poohbear said...

Cheer up ^^

Colleen Tan said...

i have no idea abt thia... but...
good example = pooh n urban~

nono cheer up! =D

Chin Feung said...

walao this topic so interesting? by the way it didn't happen to me lah, you all think so much -.-'

i just curious only hehe