Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Progress 50%

Woohoo so it's 1st of October now. Another 3 months to go and get muh freedom! So should I make a small conclusion for the first 50% done?

What to say. Squatting at Front Office since August already. Now almost everything get on my hand except some highly-technical-skill-based thingy. Last time they not dare to leave me (and other trainees) alone. But now seems that they have a high anticipation on us. They dare to go 'mengular' hehe.

Recently FO was flooded by many trainees, then 2 new staffs joined and it became very packed. Sometimes we don't have enough space to move so we can simply hide behind and, yeah 'mengular' at there.

Today Hajjar will leave FO for kitchen hence we have less one trainee here. Not forgot to mention that I'm quite enjoying my time at FO. I'm thinking to extend my stay at FO until the end of my training xD

And, today is the first time I got tips from a guest. 1000 dollar neh!

But, it's Korean currency.


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