Monday, August 24, 2009

我怀念的 - Damansara Jaya

回来KT呆了超过半年,我一直以为KL已经没有什么值得我怀念的地方了。我甚至对回去那边生活有一点点抗拒,因为我觉得KT才是最适合像我这种性格的地方。上个星期因为要出席毕业典礼的关系,我回到了Damansara Jaya,一个我呆了将近四年的地方。这一次我在那边停留了五天,不像之前那样Damansara Jaya,Kajang和Kota Kemuning三个地方轮流转。而最大的收获是,我终于有机会慢慢的重温一些过去的回忆。我想说的主要有几个地点;

KDU College

Choy Kee & Yu Yie
这两间餐馆是整个Damansara Jaya区最受KDU学生欢迎的。哪一间比较好吃永远也得不到一个标准的答案。当然,我并不是说他们的食物是美食级别,但他们单单赚我们这些学生的钱,生意可以好过五星级酒店的餐厅吧。我一路来都是Yu Yie的长期顾客,一直到最后一个学期时我才转而光顾Choy Kee。当然,这是我和朋友们最常逛的地方。早餐,午餐,下午茶,晚餐,甚至当夜猫子的时候,这里都是我们的最佳选择。


1 Utama & The Curve
这两个并不属于Damansara Jaya,不过我也常去。去1 Utama无他,因为那里有最好的Golden Screen Cinema。The Curve呢?就是去K歌了,还有那个诱人的Western Courtyard。

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


今天算是很累了。早上九点半就要赶去One World Hotel准备。仪式在中午两点钟准时开始,比预期的四点钟还迟结束。不过,我想每个人都不会介意吧?整个气氛就是充满了喜悦。我觉得当中最有意义的环节,就是司仪要全体毕业生站起来向坐在另一边的家人们致意的那一刻。这个叫我做一百遍我也愿意,只要能够表达我对父母亲的感激。

CY传来了一封SMS,说“You are a man now”。说得很好啊!我的学生生涯正式成为过去了,虽然我以后还是有可能去读硕士班,可是那是另一种层次了吧。我在同年龄的朋友当中算是慢了的。他们有些人已经在事业上有了成绩,有的已经开始组织家庭。哈哈,我就当自己是个慢活主义的享受者吧!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

New baby

Yeah, I'm using my new laptop to blog now. Being busy with configuring the system since I brought it back. First time playing with Windows Vista and there are some unique function from Lenovo so it took me a few hours to play with it. Lastly I installed the latest version of Kaspersky Internet Security. Of course, everything is genuine hehe.

Tomorrow I'm going to get a keyboard protector because Monday I will bring it to KL. I can't stand to see hair and dust hiding beneath the keyboard buttons. I will get crazy and try to remove them, by any means necessary.

The last part should be the screen protector. This laptop is a bit troublesome because its screen is 14", while most of the 14" laptops will set at 14.1". It's hard to find a suitable screen protector with those universal fit cutting. I've found a suitable one which is pre-cut to fit this model, but the price is RM70!

Somehow, I already got a Samsonite backpack to accommodate my new laptop few month ago haha.

Thursday, August 13, 2009






相信也不用多解释了吧 ?

有些人太过保护自己。你保护自己固然没有错,可是没必要画公仔画出肠啦。你怕惹上麻烦吗?那我就告诉你,有麻烦时也别想我去帮你。Baik Hati只能够用在合适的人身上,有错了就变成笨蛋傻瓜。

我唠叨这么多,就是因为看清了这些人。我不会再容许自己盲目的执行baik hati这个价值观念。

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Long long night

I guess it's because I took antibiotics, then I can't sleep at night. The weather is hot, but I feel very cold and my legs getting numb.

I hate that...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Finally, a new laptop

Just now went to book my laptop, and it's a Lenovo laptop I wanted so desperately. Being one of the top laptop manufacturers in term of quality, Lenovo is always my first choice. In my opinion, Toshiba's design is lack of creativity, though Lenovo's Thinkpad is also dump. Sony is totally not my choice because of their warranty policies. Fujitsu? I agreed they do have nice laptops but I still have doubt with their after sales service. Apple? I'm not Apple frenzy and I always think that their products are over-rated. That's why I also prefer HTC instead of iPhone.

Many thanks to my daddy because he will pay for this laptop. The salesgirl even said I'm very 'hang fuk' to have such daddy. Haha, paiseh lah =p

Friday, August 7, 2009


拜RETRO的热,许多经典咸鱼翻生,让商家们大捞特捞,也借这个机会让大家回味一下小时候的回忆。这里我想说的是一些把经典戏剧,卡通等翻拍成的电影。就拿其中一个最红的‘变形金刚’说好了。老实说,我实在受不了那些只看了电影,就自称为变形金刚迷的人。天啊,你凭什么啊?你对Transformer懂多少啊?你有看过真正80年代的变形金刚卡通吗?电影把原著故事改了多少你知道吗?你该不会以为Bumblebee是那么帅的吧?你知道Ultra Magnus是谁吗?

最近有一部GI JOE又要上映了。相信不久就可以见到许多自称GI JOE迷的人。去你的X,如果你是一个90后,我就不相信你小时候有看过GI JOE卡通。也许我该问问你关于Voltron, Thundercats, Dinosaucers, Silverhawk等等的问题吧?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

小姐, may I know you?

Just now I went to Ibai there to have dinner, together with my parents. I think today is a good day, because I saw a girl.

Well, honestly she's not very pretty. But I was attracted by her because she is that type of girl which I like. Okay, just forget about her look because I think it's something very subjective. I picked a seat where I can directly look at her, and I observed something very funny.

Actually she's having dinner with another guy, but I'm 100% sure that they are not couple. So when she finished eating, she got a cigarette from table. Oh, I thought it belongs to that guy who look like a nerd haha. So she get a lighter from her pocket and PUFF... lols, from the move I can see she's not a 'professional' smoker. Okay Okay, maybe she don't know how to play with lighter. So next I saw her put the cigarette into mouth and take a breathe.

Hey, just to let you know I like to see girl smoking, I think they are sexy. But that girl really make me LMAO, she's not really smoking, she just play with the smoke only, but not really SMOKING. Gosh, the funny thing is, soon after finish the first cigarette, she quickly get for another one. Haha, WTF? I think she is just another xiao mei mei who think smoking is cool, but not really want to smoke because scare of cancer, or, she just don't know how to smoke properly.

Back then, I remember those close friends of mine in college. Xiaolaopo, Karen and Aphrodite, they are true 'smoke gun' who are closest to me. That's what I call cool, and seksei.